Trove Health

Trident :
The Data Structuring AI

Millions of Records Structured in Minutes

Sitting on valuable patient data but unable to extract what you need?

Learn how Trident rapidly connects and structures
complex data at a fraction of the cost.


what often takes teams of people utilizing many platforms and months to accomplish, trident does with a click of a button and within minutes.

Features of Trident


Trained for years on millions of records from 10s of thousands of different EHR sources, Trident can parse structured and unstructured data at over 99% accuracy with 100% of data retained.

Lightweight and Scalable

No expensive infrastructure required. Our AI is able to process millions of records concurrently in minutes.

Your Data, Your way

The output from Trident is completely customizable. Out of the box we offer our own data rich format, the latest in FHIR, or we can map to your preferred output.


Accuracy and security are paramount to how we deploy. Trident will not go beyond set parameters and flag for a human to review if new data elements are found.

Schedule a demo today and see why
Trident changes everything